Live race coverage

Tour de Cycling - Tuesday

- Tour of Turkey live video Wednesday: 13:45 CET (7:45am U.S. Eastern)



Scheldeprijs Vlaanderen Live Coverage

- Tomorrow, Wednesday, is the 97th Scheldeprijs Vlaanderen (Belgium).  (In French it is called the Grand Prix de l'Escaut.)  Mark Cavendish won the race in 2007 and 2008 but is not back to defend this year.  Among the broadcasters showing the race live are and Sporza.  We'll have the Scheldeprijs Vlaanderen live video streams and tickers in the morning, updated during the race.

Scheldeprijs Vlaanderen Official Website
Start List (.pdf)
(Boonen, Kirchen, Eisel, Davis, Hoste, Brown, McEwen, Napolitano, Steegmans, Ciolek, Knaven, Haedo, Haussler, Hammond, Petacchi, Cooke)
Race starts at: 12:15 CET (6:15am U.S. Eastern)
Live webcast on CTV: 15:15 CET (9:15am U.S. Eastern)
Live video on Sporza: 15:15 CET (9:15am U.S. Eastern)
Other sources: Check back in the morning







- Tour of Turkey is also LIVE on Eurosport TV.  If your French is better than your Turkish, you can listen to the Eurosport France live audio feed while watching the live video.

- Paris-Camembert ticker updates will be infrequent - communications can be difficult or impossible in some remote areas of Normandy along the race route.

- Tour of Turkey LIVE video now playing.  Paris-Camembert LIVE via ticker.  Links below.

- L'Equipe photographer Bernard Papon gets the shots

Graham Watson is by far the best-known individual cycling photographer worldwide.  He obviously is world class and arguably the best.  But when French sports daily L'Equipe puts a half dozen or more of its own world class photographers on a bike race, they easily combine to produce the best photographic coverage.  The low resolution and highly compressed images above do not do justice to the superb sequence shot by L'Equipe's Bernard Papon. - Thor Hushovd, the last man left to challenge Tom Boonen in Sunday's Paris-Roubaix, goes down and Boonen is gone.  -Pete

- Paris-Camembert is underway, ticker is "live".  More to come, latest notes at the top.

On today: Paris-Camembert - (more info, links, photos, video on our Paris-Camembert page here)
Live ticker (Google-translated to English)

Also on today: Tour of Turkey (through April 19) - Official Website - Teams and Start List
Live video (starts at 13:45 CET (7:45am U.S. Eastern)

Tour de Cycling - Monday

You've heard of the Giro d'Italia. The Giretto d'Italia, or "Little Giro," is a charity ride created by an American father and daughter team, Gene Nacey and Nina Wilczek. They need sponsors and riders. They are riding the first 5 stages of the Giro next month ahead of the peloton.  Want to consider sponsoring a rider?  "Whatever you can do is great - 10 cents per mile, $1 per mile, $10 per mile - it's up to you! Your funds will go towards cancer research through the Lance Armstrong Foundation and benefit cancer survivors worldwide."  Click here for more info.


Ronde Van Drenthe:  Not often that we have live coverage of women's racing.

Tour of Turkey LIVE now.  100% sure he just said "bicycle" (or "cycling") in Turkish.

Tour of Turkey live video on TRT 1 here (through April 19).  Official WebsiteTeams and Start List.

Drenthe LIVE now here.  (heavy buffering)  Official website  (Thanks Michel (skilfan) and Bernie S.)

More info. to come.  Other races too.

Paris-Roubaix LIVE video streaming


 Notes:  (latest notes always appear at the top)

You've heard of the Giro d'Italia. The Giretto d'Italia, or "Little Giro," is a charity ride created by an American father and daughter team, Gene Nacey and Nina Wilczek. They need sponsors and riders. They are riding the first 5 stages of the Giro next month ahead of the peloton.  Click here for more info.


- Tour of Turkey: Stage 2 is Monday and we expect live video streaming to begin at around 13:45 CET (7:45am U.S. Eastern).  Info and links in the morning.

- More Paris-Roubaix videos:  News footage and eyewitness accounts of terrible moto crash into spectators here. (01:47) (some serious injuries but thankfully not life-threatening)  Carrefour de l'Arbre: Hushovd crash here. (01:59)  Highlights of today's race here.

- Superb French TV video production summary of today's Paris-Roubaix, set to music. (09:29) Even if you don't understand French, it's worth your while.  Click graphic below.  Thanks, Bernie.  More to come.

- More Paris-Roubaix video in a moment...

Watch Tour of the Basque Country

Broadcast playback:

Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6

Video highlights:

Stage 1: Sanchez wins opener (01:46)
Stage 2: Trofimov goes the distance (01:42)
Stage 3: Contador wins
Stage 4: Albasini takes the win (01:51)
Stage 5 (01:51)
Stage 6: Contador's winning time trial (01:47)
Evans slips back (00:48)
Samuel Sanchez takes third (00:50)
L.L. Sanchez finishes fifth (00:35)
Vande Velde places seventh (00:32)


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Armstrong fears he will be barred from Tour
Armstrong plans return at Tour of Italy


- Paris-Roubaix LIVE now on  (subscription, North America)

- Paris-Roubaix coverage has begun on Ned 1 (Netherlands).  They are not with the race at the moment.  They just did a great interview in English with Juan Antonio Flecha.  Update: They are currently showing something else.  Don't know if or when they will be live with Paris-Roubaix.

- Added the sportwereld Paris-Roubaix live ticker, profile and map.  (Thanks, Chris)

- While we're waiting for the Paris-Roubaix live streams to begin (start times under links at right), the Tour of Turkey is LIVE now on TRT 1 here.  This is Stage 1 and the race runs through April 19.  Official WebsiteTeams and Start List.  -Bernie S.

- The Eurosport audio live streams have not worked lately.  They seem to disappear once or twice a year and then come back.

- The 2009 Paris-Roubaix is about to get underway.  As usual, we will be updating here during the race with links to the best live feeds and information.

- We recommend you open our Twitter feed in a separate window now.  If ever we have a server outage, we will update on Twitter and direct you to a live coverage page on another server.

- If you are able to watch Paris-Roubaix via satellite, MJ Ray has you covered in our cycling via satellite blog here.

- Welcome to our live coverage guide for the 2009 Paris-Roubaix.

2009 Paris-Roubaix LIVE
France, April 12
Official Website
Start List

 Race starts at 10:50 CET and is expected to finish between 17:10 CET (5:10pm CET) and 17:49 CET (5:49pm CET).


 Roubaix weather

Live video streaming:

(7:40am U.S. Eastern)
(Subscription, North America)
(13:40 CET (7:40am U.S. Eastern))

(13:40 CET (7:40am U.S. Eastern))
(13:30 CET (7:30am U.S. Eastern))

(more links to come)


(more video links to come if available)


Live audio streaming:

Deutsch - Español
Français - Italiano
Check schedule

Live tickers:


sportwereld (Dutch)

(more tickers to come if available)

News and photos:

(cycling news)
Yahoo photo gallery (AP/AFP)

Graham Watson


Copyright © 2009


Paris-Roubaix Live Coverage

Born in Argentina, Juan Antonio Flecha began racing at the age of 7.  And from the start, he was in love with cobblestones. He lived on a cobbled street. Sharing a bedroom with his sister Emilia, Juan Antonio's bed was the one next to the window. Passing cars at night made the noise...that passing cars on cobblestones make. "I could hear the cobblestones even while asleep, even in my dreams."  (info from J.A. Flecha's website)
Copyright © 2009 Pete Geyer/

There's my pick, or I should say co-pick for tomorrow's Paris-Roubaix: Juan Antonio Flecha.  "Co-pick" because I will continue to pick George Hincapie until he wins it or retires.  I highlighted Hincapie last year, now it's Flecha's turn.

Anyone who has been dreaming of cobblestones since the age of 7 needs to win this race.  Like Hincapie, Flecha is made for Paris-Roubaix.  They have both finished on the second step of the Paris-Roubaix podium.  In 2005, they were on the podium together, Hincapie second, Flecha third behind winner Tom Boonen.

Juan Antonio Flecha is a classy rider and he is great with fans and the media alike.

Juan Antonio Flecha (Rabobank) answers questions at the 2008 Paris-Roubaix teams presentation in Compiegne.
Copyright © 2009 Pete Geyer/

Imagine a successful two-man breakaway on Sunday, Flecha and Hincapie.  Two men who have dreamed of this for most of their lives.  Two men who have been just one step from raising a cobblestone above their heads in triumph.  Two men who have already finished on the podium together.  I know who my top pick would be but I could be happy with either one.  -Pete Geyer

Paris-Roubaix Live Coverage

The best bet on the internet for North America, particularly if you need English-language audio commentary, is cycling.tvEurosport will be showing the race too, as will France TV, Sporza, and RTBF to name a few.  As always, we will do everything to get you the best, verified sources of live streams and information for the race.  Basically, we don't watch until we're sure you're able to watch, 3 people in 3 countries monitoring numerous sources.  Our complete Paris-Roubaix Live Coverage Guide will be posted in the morning and then updated during the race.

Paris-Roubaix Official Website
Start List

Race starts at: 10:50 CET (4:50am U.S. Eastern)
Live video on CTV: 7:40am U.S. Eastern
Live coverage on Eurosport: 14:00 CET (8am U.S. Eastern)
Live video on Sporza and RTBF: 13:40 CET (7:40am U.S. Eastern)
Live video, other sources: Check back in the morning
  Update:  For our Paris-Roubaix LIVE coverage guide, please visit our homepage

Tour of the Basque Country LIVE - Stage 6


 Notes:  (latest notes always appear at the top)

Time Trial Start Order and Times (.pdf)


- Watch video of today's Stage 6 Time Trial On Demand here. (U.S., 1 hour and 58 minutes, raw video w/o commentary).  Also: Stage 6 photos, results and storyFinal overall standings

Watch Tour of the Basque Country

Broadcast playback:

Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6

Video highlights:

Stage 1: Sanchez wins opener (01:46)
Stage 2: Trofimov goes the distance (01:42)
Stage 3: Contador wins
Stage 4: Albasini takes the win (01:51)
Stage 5 (01:51)
Stage 6: Contador's winning time trial (01:47)
Evans slips back (00:48)
Samuel Sanchez takes third (00:50)
L.L. Sanchez finishes fifth (00:35)
Vande Velde places seventh (00:32)


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Armstrong fears he will be barred from Tour
Armstrong plans return at Tour of Italy


- TT also LIVE now on

- TT LIVE now on ETB Sat. (links at right)

- "Armstrong fears he will be barred from Tour" - Story here.

- ETB Sat obviously running behind schedule.  Live video on is scheduled to begin in a few minutes.

- Selected start times:

- First rider: Lefevre:  15:30 CET (9:30am U.S. Eastern)
  Freire:  15:54 CET (9:54am U.S. Eastern)
  Zubeldia:  15:59 CET (9:59am U.S. Eastern)
  Vande Velde:  16:03 CET (10:03am U.S. Eastern)
  Brajkovic:  16:11 CET (10:11am U.S. Eastern)
  Schleck A.:  16:17 CET (10:17am U.S. Eastern)
  Lovkvist:  16:26 CET (10:26am U.S. Eastern)
  Sastre:  16:30 CET (10:30am U.S. Eastern)
  Rogers:  16:43 CET (10:43am U.S. Eastern)

Final 10 riders:
  Casar:  16:47 CET (10:47am U.S. Eastern)
  Nibali:  16:49 CET (10:49am U.S. Eastern)
  Kreuziger:  16:51 CET (10:51am U.S. Eastern)
  Sanchez L.L.:  16:53 CET (10:53am U.S. Eastern)
  Gesink:  16:55 CET (10:55am U.S. Eastern)
  Cunego:  16:57 CET (10:57am U.S. Eastern)
  Colom:  16:59 CET (10:59am U.S. Eastern)
  Evans:  17:01 CET (11:01am U.S. Eastern)
  Sanchez S.:  17:03 CET (11:03am U.S. Eastern)
  Contador:  17:05 CET (11:05am U.S. Eastern)

- Only 86 riders remain in the race, so the organizers moved back the start time.  Riders will depart at one-minute intervals, with the final 10 riders departing at two-minute intervals.

- Note that the organizers have changed the start time today:  The first rider, Laurent Lefevre, will depart at 15:30 CET (9:30am U.S. Eastern), not at 14:00 CET as originally scheduled.

- Start order and start times for today's final stage TT here. (.pdf)

- Today's Stage 6 Individual Time Trial begins at 15:30 CET (9:30am U.S. Eastern) when the first rider departs.  Tour of the Basque Country live video streaming on is scheduled to begin at 10:15am U.S. Eastern.  Live coverage on ETB Sat is scheduled to begin at 15:50 CET (9:50am U.S. Eastern).

- We recommend you open our Twitter feed in a separate window now.  If ever we have a server outage, we will update on Twitter and direct you to a live coverage page on another server.

- Welcome to our live coverage guide for the 2009 Tour of the Basque Country.  (Also known as Vuelta Ciclista al Pais Vasco (Spanish) or Tour du Pays Basque (French)).

2009 Tour of the Basque Country LIVE
Spain, April 6-11
Official Website
Start List

 Stage 6 start:  15:30 CET
(3:30pm CET)


Bilbao weather

Live video streaming:

(10:15am U.S. Eastern, U.S.A. only)

direct feed

(15:50 CET (9:50am U.S. Eastern))

Sport+ (French)

TV2 Sport
(16:00 CET, Denmark only)

(more video links to come if available)


Live audio streaming:

Punto Radio
(15:30 CET (9:30am U.S. Eastern))

Live tickers:
(Babelfish-translated to English)
(Google-translated to English)

(more tickers to come if available)

News and photos:

(cycling news)
Yahoo photo gallery (AP/AFP)


Copyright © 2009


Tour of the Basque Country LIVE - Stage 5


 Notes:  (latest notes always appear at the top)

- Saturday's Stage 6 Individual Time Trial begins at 14:00 CET (8am U.S. Eastern) when the first rider departs.  Tour of the Basque Country live video streaming on is scheduled to begin at 10:15am U.S. Eastern.  Live coverage on ETB Sat is scheduled to begin at 15:50 CET (9:50am U.S. Eastern).

- Watch the full Tour of the Basque Country Stage 5 broadcast playback on  Stage 5 photos, results and story are also now available.  Links below.

Watch Tour of the Basque Country

Broadcast playback:

Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6

Video highlights:

Stage 1: Sanchez wins opener (01:46)
Stage 2: Trofimov goes the distance (01:42)
Stage 3: Contador wins
Stage 4: Albasini takes the win (01:51)
Stage 5 (01:51)


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6

- Race also LIVE on ETB Sat. (links at right)

- Tour of the Basque Country LIVE now on

- AFLD vs. Armstrong:  The French anti-doping agency will take "one month" to decide whether or not to open a disciplinary procedure against Lance Armstrong.  (source: Damien Ressiot/L'Equipe)  In other words, right before the Giro d'Italia, continuing the tradition of making announcements timed for maximum political effect.  (Note: AFLD has no authority outside France.)  What's next, lab testers on Twitter?

- Circuit Sarthe Stage 5 live ticker here.  (Google-translated to English)  Stage is underway.

Circuit Cycliste Sarthe:  Rue Gazonfier climb  in Le Mans: 18% grade but only 300 meters long. The riders will have to face this "wall" four times today right before the finish.  Note the stairs to help pedestrians get up the sidewalk.
(photo © 2005 Pete Geyer/

Tour of the Basque Country Stage 5 Profile

- Tour of the Basque Country Stage 5 departs Güeñes at 13:02 CET (7:02am U.S. Eastern) and is expected in Zalla between 17:03 and 17:28 CET (11:03am and 11:28am U.S. Eastern).
Tour of the Basque Country live video streaming on is scheduled to begin at 9:35am U.S. Eastern.  Live coverage on ETB Sat is scheduled to begin at 15:55 CET (9:55am U.S. Eastern).

- We recommend you open our Twitter feed in a separate window now.  If ever we have a server outage, we will update on Twitter and direct you to a live coverage page on another server.

- Welcome to our live coverage guide for the 2009 Tour of the Basque Country.  (Also known as Vuelta Ciclista al Pais Vasco (Spanish) or Tour du Pays Basque (French)).

2009 Tour of the Basque Country LIVE
Spain, April 6-11
Official Website
Start List

 Stage 5 start:  13:02 CET
(1:02pm CET)
Finish:  17:03-17:28 CET
(5:03pm CET-5:28pm CET)


Bilbao weather

Live video streaming:

(9:35am U.S. Eastern, U.S.A. only)

direct feed

(15:55 CET (9:55am U.S. Eastern))

Sport+ (French)

TV2 Sport
(16:00 CET, Denmark only)

(more video links to come if available)


Live audio streaming:

Punto Radio
(15:30 CET (9:30am U.S. Eastern))

Live tickers:
(Babelfish-translated to English)
(Google-translated to English)

(more tickers to come if available)

News and photos:

(cycling news)
Yahoo photo gallery (AP/AFP)


Copyright © 2009


Paris-Roubaix. Sunday.

Photos Copyright © Pete Geyer/

Tour of the Basque Country LIVE - Stage 4


 Notes:  (latest notes always appear at the top)

- Friday's Tour of the Basque Country Stage 5 departs Güeñes at 13:02 CET (7:02am U.S. Eastern) and is expected in Zalla between 17:03 and 17:28 CET (11:03am and 11:28am U.S. Eastern).
Tour of the Basque Country live video streaming on is scheduled to begin at 9:35am U.S. Eastern.  Live coverage on ETB Sat is scheduled to begin at 15:55 CET (9:55am U.S. Eastern).

- Watch Stage 4 highlights (01:51) with English-language commentators.

- Stage 4 results and photos now available.

- More regarding the breaking AFLD/Armstrong story here.

- Today's stage also LIVE now on ETB Sat.  (links at right)

- Tour of the Basque Country LIVE now at

- Circuit Sarthe Stage 4 live ticker here.  (Google-translated to English)  Stage is underway.

Watch Tour of the Basque Country

Broadcast playback:

Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6

Video highlights:

Stage 1: Sanchez wins opener (01:46)
Stage 2: Trofimov goes the distance (01:42)
Stage 3 Contador wins
Stage 4 (01:51)

Tour of the Basque Country photos:

Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6


Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3
Stage 4 - Stage 5 - Stage 6

- Tour of the Basque Country Stage 4 departs Eibar at 13:15 CET (7:15am U.S. Eastern) and is expected in Güeñes between 17:05 and 17:29 CET (11:05am and 11:29am U.S. Eastern).
Tour of the Basque Country live video streaming on is scheduled to begin at 9:35am U.S. Eastern.  Live coverage on ETB Sat is scheduled to begin at 15:55 CET (9:55am U.S. Eastern).

- We recommend you open our Twitter feed in a separate window now.  If ever we have a server outage, we will update on Twitter and direct you to a live coverage page on another server.

- Welcome to our live coverage guide for the 2009 Tour of the Basque Country.  (Also known as Vuelta Ciclista al Pais Vasco (Spanish) or Tour du Pays Basque (French)).

2009 Tour of the Basque Country LIVE
Spain, April 6-11
Official Website
Start List

 Stage 4 start:  13:15 CET
(1:15pm CET)
Finish:  17:05-17:29 CET
(5:05pm CET-5:29pm CET)


Güeñes weather

Live video streaming:

(9:35am U.S. Eastern, U.S.A. only)

direct feed

(15:55 CET (9:55am U.S. Eastern))

TV2 Sport
(16:00 CET, Denmark only)

(more video links to come if available)


Live audio streaming:

Punto Radio
(15:30 CET (9:30am U.S. Eastern))

Live tickers:
(Babelfish-translated to English)
(Google-translated to English)

(more tickers to come if available)

News and photos:

(cycling news)
Yahoo photo gallery (AP/AFP)


Copyright © 2009


Gent-Wevelgem LIVE


 Notes:  (latest notes always appear at the top)

Tour of the Basque Country QUEEN stage underway.
Our Live Coverage Guide here. (opens new window)


- Watch Gent-Wevelgem post-race interviews in English:

Cavendish (00:26)
Hincapie (00:49)
Boasson Hagen (02:10)

- Watch the final kilometer on Sporza here. (01:52)

- Circuit Sarthe TT live ticker here.

- Tour of the Basque Country QUEEN stage LIVE now on (U.S.A.)  See our full Basque Country Live Guide for more feeds and tickers.

- G-W LIVE on RAI.

- Sport+ (France) LIVE.

- Ned 1 playing beautifully in France.   RTBF is geo-restricted.  We are hopeful for more options from 15:00 CET (9am U.S. Eastern).

- Gent-Wevelgem LIVE now.

- Sporza appears geo-restricted.  Next up (after CTV), RTBF at 25 minutes past the hour.

- The Sporza stream doesn't start until 14:00 CET but the embedded ticker is live.  Big breakaway group containing Boonen, Brown, Haussler, Quinziato, Burghardt, Hincapie, Cancellara, among other big names.  Wow.  Sporza ticker is Google-translated to English here.

- The 2009 Gent-Wevelgem is underway.  Start times for various Gent-Wevelgem live video streams are listed directly under the links at right.  More video feeds to come at race time.

- We recommend you open our Twitter feed in a separate window now.  If ever we have a server outage, we will update on Twitter and direct you to a live coverage page on another server.

- Welcome to our live coverage guide for the 2009 Gent-Wevelgem.

2009 Gent-Wevelgem LIVE
Belgium, April 8
Official Website
Start List

 Race start: 11:30 CET
Finish: 16:12 to 16:40 CET
(4:12pm to 4:40pm CET)


 Wevelgem weather

Live video streaming:

(14:00 CET (8am U.S. Eastern))

(14:25 CET (8:25am U.S. Eastern))

(more links to come)


(more video links to come if available)


Live audio streaming:


Live tickers:

(Google-translated to English)

(more tickers to come if available)

News and photos:

(cycling news)
Yahoo photo gallery (AP/AFP)

Graham Watson


Copyright © 2009


Tour of the Basque Country LIVE - Stage 3


 Notes:  (latest notes always appear at the top)

- Thursday's Tour of the Basque Country Stage 4 departs Eibar at 13:15 CET (7:15am U.S. Eastern) and is expected in Güeñes between 17:05 and 17:29 CET (11:05am and 11:29am U.S. Eastern).
Tour of the Basque Country live video streaming on is scheduled to begin at 9:35am U.S. Eastern.  Live coverage on ETB Sat is scheduled to begin at 15:55 CET (9:55am U.S. Eastern).

- You can skip around in the 2 hours of Universal Sports raw footage below.

- Watch Tour of the Basque Country Stage 3 replay at
Universal Sports.  This is over 2 hours of raw footage with no commentating. (U.S. only)  Also:  Stage 3 results.  - Overall Standings - The Story - Stage 3 Photos

- More Stage 3 photos here.

- Circuit Sarthe TT live ticker here.

- Basque Country QUEEN stage LIVE now too on ETB SAT. (links at right)

- Tour of the Basque Country LIVE now on (U.S.A.)

- Tour of the Basque Country Stage 3 departs Villatuerta at 12:57 CET (6:57am U.S. Eastern) and is expected in Eibar between 17:03 and 17:29 CET (11:03 and 11:29am U.S. Eastern).  Tour of the Basque Country live video streaming on is scheduled to begin at 9:35am U.S. Eastern.  Live coverage on ETB Sat is scheduled to begin at 15:55 CET (9:55am U.S. Eastern).

- We recommend you open our Twitter feed in a separate window now.  If ever we have a server outage, we will update on Twitter and direct you to a live coverage page on another server.

- Welcome to our live coverage guide for the 2009 Tour of the Basque Country.  (Also known as Vuelta Ciclista al Pais Vasco (Spanish) or Tour du Pays Basque (French)).

2009 Tour of the Basque Country LIVE
Spain, April 6-11
Official Website
Start List

 Stage 3 start:  12:57 CET
Finish:  17:03-17:29 CET
(5:03pm CET-5:29pm CET)


Eibar weather

Live video streaming:

(9:35am U.S. Eastern, U.S.A. only)

direct feed

(15:55 CET (9:55am U.S. Eastern))

TV2 Sport
(16:00 CET, Denmark only)

(more video links to come if available)


Live audio streaming:

Punto Radio
(15:30 CET (9:30am U.S. Eastern))

Live tickers:
(Babelfish-translated to English)
(Google-translated to English)

(more tickers to come if available)

News and photos:

(cycling news)
Yahoo photo gallery (AP/AFP)


Copyright © 2009


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